Replay in 40's America of the age-old confrontation between Light & Darkness, Truth and Lie, Good and Evil. The dreamy & pure-hearted, after pouring her soul in a sweet illusion, awakes from her whimsical fantasy after a first Shadow is casted. The mask of deceit, hiding the ugliness of a whole person within, gets pulled off by the white hands of the maiden. The revelation of the true identity cannot be made public, as the ties of the imposter may tarnish the reputation of the family. The villain, after repeated attempts to get rid off our hero, fails and falls into an abyss from which he cannot do any more harm. The true story remains a secret, unknown to all but the main protagonists
很震撼,全片没有一分钟是多余的,坐在身后的女生一直抽泣,dalva的人物非常丰富,直觉感觉她又聪明又勇敢,但她在没有能力辨别对错的年龄被mistreat 却成为了她心中合理表达爱意的唯一方式,蓝天航空公司简直太过残忍